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Kalzip® Deck Roof
Long span solutions
The Kalzip Deck Roof System is the mature further development of the handcrafted standing seam roof into an industrially pre-produced, quickly assembled roof system.
The Kalzip Deck Roof System is predominantly designed as a warm roof structure and is suitable for all roof pitches from 1.5 ° and for all substructures and supporting structures. Thanks to a comprehensive range of system components and accessories, Kalzip Deck Roof System construction becomes a complete solution for building envelopes, easily combined with other building materials.
Features & Benefits:
• Can be used for all substructures, quick installation, largely independent of weather conditions
• Individual design variations of geometries through XT free-form profiles for unusual building shapes
• Compliant with court legislation and building regulations
• Durable and sustainable
• Reduced requirement for secondary steel work
Kalzip Deck Roof System
Deck Roof System: 1. Kalzip profiled sheet, 2. Insulation, 3. E clip, 4. Vapour Control Layer, 5. Trapezoidal deck, 6. Steel or timber rafter
Kalzip Deck Roof System on purlins and trapezoidal steel liner
Roof design: 1. Kalzip profiled sheet, 2. Insulation, 3. E clip, 4.Low profile top hat section, 5. Vapour control layer, 6. Steel trapezoidal liner, 7. Steel or timber rafter
Kalzip Deck Roof System on timber deck
Roof design: 1. Kalzip profiled sheet, 2. Insulation, 3. E clip, 4. Hat section, 5. Vapour control layer, 6. Timber rafter
Kalzip Deck Roof System on concrete deck
Roof design: 1. Kalzip profiled sheet, 2. Insulation, 3. E type clip, 4. Low profile top hat section 5. Vapour control layer, 6. Concrete deck
Kalzip Structural decking with acoustic insulation slab
Roof design: 1. Kalzip Standing seam sheet, 2. Insulation, 3. E clip, 4. Low profile top hat section positioned across decking, 5. Vapour control layer, 6. Acoustic insulation slab, 7. Perforated structural decking
Kalzip Structural decking with top hat sub purlins
Roof design: 1. Kalzip Standing seam sheet, 2. Insulation, 3. E clip, 4. Top hat sub purlins riveted to decking, 5. Vapour control layer, 6. Structural decking
Kalzip Structural decking
Roof design: 1. Kalzip Standing seam sheet, 2. Insulation, 3. E clip, 4. Vapour control layer, 5. Structural decking